Thursday, January 27

God has a plan... (Or, My Best Friend Dated My Ex And Then Married His Brother's Cousin, Who I Also Dated... But It's All Good.)

I woke up this morning to my blackberry beeping. I work for lawyers so e-mails at odd hours are not rare, but there was something rare about these e-mails, and I couldn’t help but laugh. The e-mails weren’t funny in and of themselves. They were about a shower that a few of us are throwing for two friends that are getting married. It wasn’t the content that made me laugh, it was the names of the senders and the recipients.

This particular branch of the chain consisted of one of my good girlfriends (let's call her PINK), one of my ex-boyfriends (who let's call PhiGam - and is also one of PINK's ex-boyfriends), and our co-ex-boyfriend’s mom. To make this even more juicy, PINK is now married to a man who dated another one of our friends, who before that dated another one of my friends. This man, PINK's husband, has a best friend who is also an ex-boyfriend of mine and who is the reason I moved to the city that I live in. And that, ladies, is just the first layer. I know. I know. I know what you’re thinking… I need a diagram and… you can’t make this stuff up.

And that’s when it hit me… we can’t make this stuff up. If you had told me, two years ago, that I would have dated the same guy that one of my now best friends has dated and that overtime we would all become good friends not only with him but also his mother… and if you had told me that I would now be living in the city where I now live due to another guy that I had dated and that it would have ended the way that it ended… if you would have told me any of that, I would have told you that you had lost your ever-loving mind. And yet, here we are… one big, happy, incestuously dysfunctional family and… here I am, e-mailing from my home in Dallas, Texas (the place, not 6 months earlier, I had sworn I would NEVER live).

You could say these are ridiculously twisted stories that belong on a Christian version of Melrose Place - and they are. You could say that these are amazing stories of empathy and forgiveness - and they are. But they are more… they are all a part of a story - a story that none of us could write.

Billy Graham has a quote that says, “We do not understand the intricate pattern of the stars in their courses, but we know that He who created them does, and that just as surely as He guides them, He is charting a safe course for us.”

This morning’s e-mails got me thinking about this quote and this quote got thinking about a lot - about the stars… about how tiny we are in relation to them… about the fact that they are constantly moving… about the fact that we’re constantly moving. My thoughts made me pause in awe… at the intentionality of it all… at the orchestration that must be involved… at how quickly I, in my ego-centric view, forget the sovereignty of God… and at how I, in my humanity, doubt His ability to make our wrongs, right. We think of God's orchestration and our free will as two separate components - an either/or, but it's a both/and. He set us in motion, but He isn’t observing from a distance - He is orchestrating up close… He is moving… He is…. "working out everything in accordance to His will." {Ephesians 1:11}

The reminder of God as the great orchestrator always gets me thinking about Joseph around the time of his notorious coat of many colors. Remember the story? His brothers were jealous... he talked crazy talk about how, in his dreams, he was ruling over them and then he gets this cool, albeit too colorful for my taste, coat.  Well, that's the last straw - those boys had had enough of their little brother and they take him out to kill him. They throw him into a pit, but, at the last minute, a caravan shows up and the brothers decide to instead sell him into slavery in Egypt thus beginning... well, everything...

THEN, Joseph, after several years of suffering through an unjustified jail sentence, is remembered by a man at just the moment that he could help Pharaoh. Joseph’s assistance to Pharaoh earned him the title of second in command right before a drought hit Israel. THEN, the drought, that hit Israel, sent Joseph’s back-stabbing brothers to Egypt and, due to his new position, Joseph is able to save not only them, but also the entire nation. THEN that nation, Israel, stayed and was ultimately enslaved in Egypt until a baby in a basket heard from a burning bush that he was supposed to save them. THEN, ten plagues, a parted sea and lots of manna from the sky and water from rocks later, this nation made it back to their promise land. THEN, in trying to take over this promised land, Joshua sent in a spy, who had to hide at the home of a prostitute named Rahab THEN this unlikely pair marry and have a son named Boaz. THEN, Boaz ends up marrying Ruth, who was also an unlikely candidate - THEN Boaz and Ruth end up having a son whose grandson is David. THEN David has an affair and because of the affair has a son named Solomon. THEN a few generations later, from Solomon, comes another son named… you ready for this, Jesus. All because of a caravan... a caravan that, if you look into it (which I couldn't resist) had to leave its starting location over two years before Joseph was placed into that pit.

I love so much in this. I love that the Lord knew Joseph would be in a pit. I love that He got a caravan moving years before so that it would be at just the right place at just the right time. I love that He can do that - I love that He can do that and still keep our free will intact. I love that the lineage of Christ includes a prostitute, a widowed foreigner, an adulteress, a murderer, an arrogant dreamer, and a doubting man... all of whom imperfect, but all of whom had a moment where they chose to bow to a perfect God with a perfect plan.

I love that I don't get it.  I love that every time I use a superlative... God makes me do just the opposite. I love that He has taken me crazy places. I love that He throws curveballs. I love that He yanks things out of my hand. I love that He makes this planner daily throw away her plan.

I love that He allowed the lineage of His son to be a complicated tale of crazy souls so that we would know that He can use anyone and that nothing is too big for Him.

He has a plan.  He has always had a plan.  He is the God who can do all things and His plan CANNOT be thwarted. {Job 42:2}

The stories, from my personal life and the lives of my friends seem funny now, but none of them were funny then… they involve broken hearts and betrayals of trust. They are stories of wounded people wounding others, but they are also a reflection of a frighteningly sovereign and supremely faithful God. I love what Joseph told his brothers when he, years after they had tried to take his life, found himself saving their lives.  As they stood shaking before him, he said to them in Genesis 50:20, “You intended it to harm me, but God intended it for good.”

If you are over the age of six and have had a relationship that went deeper than check yes or no, I am willing to bet that you have had your heart broken or been the breaker of hearts or both. Even at our best, we are wounded wretches who hurt others and get hurt ourselves. Thank God, we have a God that is bigger than the messes that we create… thank God, there is a God that turns our trash into His treasure… thank God, there is a God who is not thrown for a loop by the decisions we make, but who instead is graciously weaving a story of redemption.

Thank God, He has a plan.

If you’re dating life is complicated… take Him your stories, take Him your hurts and then trust Him. Twisted tales are His specialty… they’re the best backdrop for His glory.


Monday, January 24


It's been a while since I've shared another story highlighting why I've earned the title, "The Queen of Bizarre Interactions with the Opposite Sex." Here's a little reminder...

In college, I dated my best friend - let's call him, WeTriedReallyHard. We were such good friends that we couldn't figure out if we really "liked" each other or if we just really liked each others company. It took us about a year to start actually dating and then we broke-up and got back together a few times over the course of about a year.

Once, we broke up after watching the episode of Grey's Anatomy, because WTRH said that, "He didn't look at me the way that Derek looks at Meredith...." I was quick to remind him that Patrick Dempsey looks at Ellen Pompeo the way he does because of a script and a million-dollar paycheck.

He failed to see the point I was trying to make.

Then, about a month later, he had a dream about me - I think there was a field and a sunset involved - and he asked if we could get back together… you know, because the dream told him it was a good idea.

So we did. My reasoning? I adored hanging out with him and if he loved Jesus and pointed me more towards Him, what could be bad about that? And, to tell the truth, I was right. It was a good relationship. We were kind to each other, we sharpened each other, we talked about deep and wonderful things… and then Seinfeld came to town.

Going to see Seinfeld perform was supposed to be a "date night" for us. Instead, I "hung out" with he & his frat-daddy buddies before the event. I think a round of Halo & an arcade basketball game were the appetizer and for the main course I rode in a van - sitting on WeTriedReallyHard's lap because there were about 27 of us in there- while the driver smoked pot. But it was okay, because WTRH was "ministering" to these guys {yeah, by putting me in a death-cab} and the show was on campus - you know, not too far away.

Ah, romance.

My skin bubbled through out Seinfeld's whole shtick. The only thing I remember from his routine is that he made fun of my university's brick choice for our buildings. I believe his exact words were: "And, wow, I can't get enough of this beige/taupe color combo." Not cool, Jerry. Not cool.

On our sober, smoke free ride home I lost it, bursting into tears and saying "I can't do this anymore!" {Like we "always" got stuck riding in pot-vans or something? I would like to assume I was still hallucinating a bit from sweet Mary Jane…}

We broke up after my small, drug-induced fit. And I DO blame Seinfeld.

The great thing is, I'm not even to the most bizarre part yet…

So, give it about a year, WTRH meets the most adorable girl. They fall in love and get married with-in the year. I'm thrilled - I celebrate with them at the wedding, welcome them as they join my church, and make plans to have his wonderful wife over for wine.

Now, I am truly excited to get to know Adorable Girl, but like most girls who are becoming friends with the ex-boyfriends new wife {that's normal, right?}, I didn't expect for us to dish about super-personal details. Nor did I expect my trash can at work to do the dishing for her…

A few bible studies from my church meet at my office on a weekly basis. I can only assume that Adorable Girl is in one of those studies. Why do I know that? Because, waiting for me in the restroom trashcan was Adorable Girl's preferred method of birth-control wrapper with her prescription label on it.

So, the question arises: Do you know how your college boyfriend and his new-bride are not having babies?

I do.

- George's Girl
"The Queen of Bizarre Interactions with the Opposite Sex"

Friday, January 21

Along The Same Vein

Our last post from Biblically Blonde {God The Garmin} reminded me of another excellent podcast/sermon from my older-man-crush, Mr. Timothy Keller. 

In "God The Garmin," BB makes the connection between the genius technology that allows this ding-bat to get from Point A to Point B just a tad more smoothly... and the Lord's guidance as "a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path." {Psalm 119:105}  

Please take the time to download and listen to this sermon - at work, on your next road trip, while in the gym - as Tim explains how the Watergate scandal was the catalyst to establishing his New York church, Redeemer.

(For whatever reason I couldn't get this to link directly... it should be the second one listed, but if not it's from 12.2.10)

- G.G.

Thursday, January 20

God the Garmin

I am not the best at directions. I am terrible at them actually. I cannot tell you if I am facing North, South, East or West to save my soul (fortunately, that’s not how my soul is saved). And to top it off, I am terrible at receiving directions, and terrible at giving them.

The summer I turned sixteen I worked in the PR department of my dad’s office. I was covering the front desk, when a man called in asking for directions to the office. I froze. I had absolutely no clue what to say.  After taking a deep breath, I asked him… "what do you see?" He sounded a tad bit confused and surprised, but described the landscape and eventually mentioned that he was by Eatzi’s… well, that was all I needed. I proceeded to give him directions solely based on restaurants: "Turn right at the Eatzi’s, go past the James Coney Island, take a left at Mc Donald’s, stay straight past McCormick and Schmick, head right at…" you get the picture.

I will never forget the look on that man’s face when he got off the elevator and saw me sitting there. He fell over laughing and said, “you were either going to look exactly like you look… or you were going to weigh 600 pounds.”

I think there is an insult somewhere in there (probably going back to the fact that I’m a blonde), but I will, rightfully, take it and say again… I’m not the best at directions.

I can’t tell you where you’re literally going and I most certainly can’t tell you where you’re figuratively going. I don't know why people come into our lives. I don’t know why people are taken away. I don't know the big picture. There are moments that I wish I did, but, in all honesty, I am so glad that all I know is that God knows.

I will never fully understand God’s sovereignty and how it acts in correlation with our free will. If I think about it too long, I get a headache. I do; however, know this: there are no accidents, there are no coincidences, and there are no mistakes too big to thwart God’s plan {Job 42:2}.

I don’t know where you are in life right now. I don’t know if you have been closely walking with the Lord or if you have been doing a full speed dash away from Him. No matter where you are, my prayer for you is this - that you understand, down to your core, that you cannot “trump” God.

When we are walking closely with Him, it is most definitely easier to see His hand in our lives, but when you stumble, when you can't see Him, when things have gone black and they don't make sense at all - He's still there - He's still holding on - He's still working everything out according to His will {Ephesians 1:11}.

I wonder if someone today needs to be reminded that they are not lost. You may have made a wrong turn… if you're like me, you may have made several. You may, this very day, have found yourself at a dead end, but you, my dear, are not wandering aimlessly. Your Lord has not lost you. You have not gone so far down the wrong road that you cannot get back.

And that’s because God is our Garmin.

Now, before you accuse me of blasphemy, please stick with the visual - just like the Garmin states directions one turn, one stop or one cue at a time so too does our Lord give directions one step at a time.

Psalm 119:105 states that the Lord’s word is a “lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path”  This truth has often frustrated me because, if you picture a lamp at your feet, the only thing visible is the next place to step.

That, precious one, is where faith comes in. Trusting the One that is leading even though you cannot see the place where you are being led. I have often screamed, begged and pleaded for the whole picture, but, to borrow the word’s of Jack Nicholson, “I can’t handle the truth”  I would be - you would be - we all would be - overwhelmed to see where we are actually going - the good and the bad that lie ahead would blow our finite minds away. Following our Father, staying in step with His lead, and leaning on Him when needed is the only way to walk.

But let us not forget the coolest part – the grace of the Garmin and the grace of our God. What does a Garmin say when you’ve made a wrong turn or a misstep?? It pauses and says “Recalculating” and then it provides guidance on what to do next to get you back on the path. This is also true of our great and gracious God. He did not set this world in motion and then take His hands off. Do we have free will? Yes. Did He know what move you were going to make, right or wrong? Yes. Is He sovereign over all of it? Most definitely.

If you have made a wrong turn or several, please remember that, although you may have made your trip a little longer and tougher than it could have been, you have not completely missed the mark, for "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." {Romans 8:28}

God not only knows where you are, but he also knew you'd be there and He knows what He's going to do with all that you've been through.

I’m going to end with what might be my favorite story in the Bible – the story of Ruth. Chapter one of Ruth paints the picture of a girl with a lot of cards stacked against her... she is a widow and a foreigner, who finds herself living with her mother-in-law. In those days, her situation would have been deemed as "hopeless" (let’s face it, those facts don’t look too good in this century either) BUT... amen that there is a chapter 2, which begins with these four words... "as it turned out" {Ruth 2:3}.

I, being the fairy tale fanatic that I am, I equate those words with a heavenly "once upon a time" because that's exactly what they are. They are the beginning of the revealing of the Lord's plan. See, Ruth wasn't lost nor was her story a hopeless disaster. All of the things that happened to her in Ruth 1 led her to where she was supposed to be. Our sovereign, loving God took a story that looked hopeless and, from it, wrote one of the most amazing love stories in the Bible - a love story that forever changed all of our lives because it is a love story that appears in the lineage of Christ.

I’m not the best at directions, but I follow a God who is. He knows exactly where I am and exactly where I am going. He is a master calculator and re-calculator.

And because of that, I'm convinced today, tomorrow and the next day, that, whether we see it or not, we, as Christians, can claim our "as it turned out" - it's a promise actually - it's our eternal inheritance. Not because of anything I have done - not because of anything you have done, but because there is a sovereign God... who never wastes tears.... who is always on time... who is actively working all out for good.

Therefore, I am also convinced that one day, one amazing day, I will look back and see that, even when things looked bleak, scary, confusing and hopeless, "as it turned out" we were right where we were supposed to be.

So, I ask you, just as I asked that business man, years ago - "What do you see?"

Do you see your Lord’s promise? Ok, now drive full force towards it.

-Biblically Blonde

Wednesday, January 19


I may be from Texas, but "ain't" is not a word that has ever been an acceptable part of my vocabulary. However, this is a genius music video I sent to Biblically Blonde on a day where we both just needed a reminder that settling ain't an option...

-George's Girl

Thursday, January 13

Someone With Skin

A story was recently told to me about a little girl who woke up afraid in the night calling for her father. Her mother ran in and said that he wasn't home, but that Jesus, her heavenly Father, would hold her and protect her. The little girl looked up and looked her mother in the eye and said, "but I want someone with skin"
How often have I been that little girl? How much am I that little girl? 
God is - and I believe to my core - all I will ever need, but there are moments when I just want someone with skin. 
If you've been there too, grace yourself in those times. We're human. We were wired to walk life with and alongside one another. We were designed to comfort and be comforted by others with skin.
So, if you have someone to hug... hug them and be so grateful that they are in your life. If you don't, take that longing to the Lord - knowing that He is all you need - knowing that He will meet your needs - knowing that He knows... there is something so comforting in the arms of someone with skin.

Tuesday, January 4

Grace For Reality

So, it's my personality to have heard something 10 billion times and then, on 10 billion and 1, somehow get excited all over again, as though I have never heard it before.

This happened to me today.

I feel like life is going so fast these days - too fast. I feel like I'm moving from event to event, moment to moment, month to month and season to season. I often feel like I'm dog paddling to keep my head above water. When I woke up this morning, the day hit me... do you ever have that feeling?? Everything you have to do immediately hits you like a brick wall - a wall so big, so strong, that you don't even want to move... it's paralyzing. 

I sat in bed with my dog Henry licking my face (that's how I wake up these days, and, as precious as it may be, it is quite a shock to the system) and the laundry list of what the day was requiring of me was all that I could see.

I wanted to quit. I wanted to quit the day before I had even begun living it. This moment might be easier to stomach and push through, if these types of days were rare, but they're not. Life is complicated - life is tricky. Moments where you are needed and are being pulled in twenty directions are not rare - they're the norm.

But we don’t serve a God that majors in “the norm”...

The following entry is from Sarah Young’s, "Jesus Calling":

"Do not let any set of circumstances intimidate you. The more challenging your day, the more of My Power I place at your disposal. You seem to think that I empower you equally each day, but this is not so. Your tendency upon awakening is to assess the difficulties ahead of you, measuring them against your average strength. This is an exercise in unreality.

I know what each of your days will contain, and I empower you accordingly. The degree to which I strengthen you on a given day is based mainly on two variables: the difficulty of your circumstances, and your willingness to depend on Me for help. Try to view challenging days as opportunities to receive more of My Power than usual. Look to Me for all you need, and watch and see what I will do. As your day, so shall be your strength"

That's when I remembered what I've been reminded of many times before.... God gives us grace for REALITY. Anytime we project ourselves mentally into the upcoming day, week, month, year, decade, we visualize ourselves not being able to handle it well, because we visualize it without God. He is with us in the moment that we are in, and He will be with us in that moment too... we must trust Him, we must wait for Him and in the meantime, we must turn over our fears, our worries, and our seemingly impossible to do lists and walk step by step...

When we wait on and walk with the Lord, not only do the things that need to get done, get done, but they get done well. This is the reason that we are able to do things that no one else can imagine being able to do... we do them because God graced us for that moment - He ordained us for that time - and then His grace and strength met us there. And, when He calls others to do the same thing, in their moment, they too will accomplish what they never thought they could.

This is the amazing strength of our God - this is the grace that is undeniably inexplicable - this is the source of the peace that passes understanding.

I love these verses.  Let’s claim them today… tomorrow… and again in five minutes:

"Your strength will equal your days" Deuteronomy 33:25

"I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints, and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of His mighty strength, which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms,"  Ephesians 1:18-20

"Look to the LORD and His strength; seek His face always" Psalm 105:4

Hope this touched your heart as much as it touched this ditzy blonde's.  How great is our God?

-Biblically Blonde