Years ago, before blogs could be cute (and believe me, ours looked like it was for a funeral home), my then-roommate and I decided we wanted to "revolutionize the way Christians thought about dating." From our sorority dorm room we started to pen a blog called "Walking Around Naked." (Recommendation: Don't google this... ) We used true experiences (our own & some borrowed) to humorously introduce the topics of christian dating norms that we were hoping to "call in to question." Well, that lasted all of 3 real posts and 1 brilliant poem by Shel Silverstein.
So, here I am again - 5 years later still longing for a place to stash all the great wisdom I've taken in from others and have a venue to question whether typical "Christian" advice is truly scriptural or just pious platitudes... I also have some really funny friends, who will be regular contributors.
What this is: A place for funny, scriptural, logical, & wise arguments to be made about about what a dating-life should look like.
What this is not: A Pity Party or collection of Sob-Stories.
DISCLAIMER: It is not the intention that "Bizarre Interactions" is the final authority on when, where, how, and who people should date. This is a place to encourage dialogue about the norms that have evolved in the Christian subculture, store shared wisdom and perhaps make you laugh along the way.
More to come, in the mean time, enjoy some Shel...
-George's Girl
-George's Girl
My Rules
by Shel Silverstein
"If you want to marry me, here's what you'll have to do:
You must learn how to make a perfect chicken-dumpling stew.
And you must sew my holey socks,
And soothe my troubled mind,
And develop the knack for scratching my back,
And keep my shoes spotlessly shined.
And while I rest you must rake up the leaves,
And when it is hailing and snowing
You must shovel the walk and be still when I talk,
And... hey-where are you going?"
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