Wednesday, December 8

Bizarre Quotes

George's Girl: "A friend just told be that I am the 'Queen of Bizarre Interactions with the opposite sex.'"
Biblically Blonde: "Honey, some crowns were just meant to be shared."

Biblically Blonde: "Why are the only words I can think of to describe him 'sweet' 'nice' & 'adorable'?"
Girl Friend: "Well, it's better than 'jerk' & 'ass' so let's start there."

GG: "Well, I am currently in the throws of making plans with my ex-boyfriend for 4 different trips, across the country, in the next 3 months."
Cloud Girl: "Oh... when did y'all date again?"
GG: "8th Grade. Normal, right?"

Bleh Dahling: "My grandmother just made this facebook comment on a photo of me from Washington & Lee prom in 2007... super."
"life is much brighter, much happier and a lot more fun just watching you with such an optimistic attitude knowing God made the world for us to see its beauty and enjoy. I am so proud of you. You are indeed an enterpreneuir{hope I spe...lled that right -having a senior moment} You aere just prcious in your photos. Dr. Kubala has a son that is a senior at cambridge. Wants to mee t you. He will be going to Harvard for his masters . He is an accomplished musician writes music but wants to teach busioness affter Harvard. His name is Benjamin. He will be in Beaumont for the Chritmas holidays. I can get his email if you would like or give him yours. The guys in your photos are very handaome. Are they in your law class? Have ou explored broadway auditions as a side career. You are a teriific dancer, choeriographer and fun actress. How was the sound of music?"

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