Tuesday, December 21

Zoom Zoom

"Mazda Miata."


"Yeah. Mazda Miata… probably blue."

"So, if you could have any car in the world - regardless of price - you, a self proclaimed car fanatic, would pick a blue Mazda Miata?"

Now, please don't get me wrong.  I wanted a Miata too… when I was 14 and loved N'sync {…The thing you've got to realize is what we're doin' in not a trend, we've got the gift of melody and we're bringing' it to the end…} and dressed as a Spice Girl for Halloween {Sporty, I think… which is an absolute joke}.

So, this man I was on a date with, who could not stop talking about his obsession with cars, answers my question {a desperate last attempt to find something to talk about with this guy} "If you could have any car in the world…" with the same answer as a 14 year old girl circa 1997. Super.

Our "date" was taking place at Barton Springs - usually a lovely and wonderful place of swimming and general merriment. Today, however, MiataMan had asked me to meet him at the springs on the most bleak and dreary - not to mention slightly cold - day that spring. Right about the time that he is trying to convince me his dream-car choice is a good one {epic fail} Owen Wilson hops out of the springs.

Yes. Owen Wilson. Blonde, sparkly, disheveled, wonderful Owen Wilson.

And he was walking towards me… {Well, maybe not me in particular, but he was walking up the hill and I was on that hill.} Now, even if you are not an Owen Wilson fan, I guarantee you that a star of much less caliber would have stolen what shred of attention I had left for MiataMan at this point.

"That's Owen Wilson!!!!" I say in a yelling-whisper sort of way. {I'm not good at containing my excitement in any scenario, especially when there is a celeb involved}.

"Oh. Yeah, I guess it is."

"You guess?! No. It absolutely is Owen Wilson."

At this point MiataMan is sitting on my right and Owen is quickly moving up the hill to my left. I had no intention to be rude, but I figured if MM could talk about something for a couple of hours that I obviously had no interest in or any ability to contribute to the conversation, I could look in the other direction for a few minutes… as he talked more about cars. I was also hoping he would get the hint… {that we were not destined to be together, crammed in a Miata, zoom zoom-ing through life}. MM was a little slow on the uptake of my non-verbal message as demonstrated by his next move.

"Well," I started, "This was fun. Thanks for… uh… facebook-ing me."

"So, dinner?"

"Dinner?" {But we just had nothing to talk about for 2 hours… you want to extend that?!}

"Yeah. That was my plan. Barton Springs then dinner." {Yeah, thanks for giving ME a heads up on your "plan."}


I surrendered after truly not being able to come up with a remotely acceptable excuse. "Washing my hair" was among the top candidates.

We went to dinner. Talked about cars. He somehow convinced me that we "just had" to go across the street to get gelato. Again, without excuse I went along with this ever-growing "plan."

When we got there he wanted to share a cup. {Share!? Share a little cup of gelato?!? You obviously don't know me… I don't ever feel the need to only eat half of my dessert.} At this point I was just ready to go and no longer cared about the impression I was making.

"I want my own. Mint Chocolate chip, please. Large."

Moral of the story: Sometimes dates are just dates. Nothing more will ever come of the time you have spent with your MiataMan. But if you play your cards right, you may just get a heaping bowl of dessert at the end of the night.

-George's Girl

1 comment:

  1. Hey GG--- I sure hope Miata Man and Mr. Chicago have no relation. Thanks for the good laughs today! Love your wit. And we need updates on your Dec ski trip with Chicago!
    -one of the many KTs in your life.
